Buffalo Stampede Pokies Free Review
Video narration, some of the slot wins are more in the minor levels while others are of a larger amount as viewed in the video. After winning a number of free plays, the player manages to win a fair amount of money at the end.
“Buffalo Stampede” itself is a rather fun game to play and I always have a spin on it when I am in Las Vegas. The music has a decent western vibe to it that plays in the background. The art-style and visuals are quite impressive as the various western-themed pictures often move in appropriate ways if a number of them are on the screen at the same time.
- These are accompanied by noises for certain creatures such as the Wolf and Buffalo to help drive home the winning slot combinations. There are also multipliers of 2 and 3 that assist in the amount won in a given combination. Like most slot machines, all you need to do is insert some amount of money and press a button to determine the amount of credits spent on a single roll.
- After winning the first time, you can decide whether to spend the winnings on further rolls or to cash out. “Buffalo Stampede” makes it fairly clear if you’ve won a better than normal amount and just how much by some nice load audio that will wake the dead!.
- If there could be a criticism given to “Buffalo Stampede” it would be that it can be difficult to see just how much is paid for any given combination before the game starts. I must admit that this might just be because the whole game wasn’t shown in the video. There might be an artistic visual around the game itself that shows the different winning combinations.
Regardless, “Buffalo Stampede” appears to be a solidly enjoyable pokies machine that many people enjoy. It also seems to have a decent payout for what you put into it. I recommend anyone who enjoy slot machines from Aristocrat to give it a burl if they see it on a casino floor.